am a proponent of bio-identical hormone restoration therapy and work not only with
sex hormones, but with thyroid and adrenal function as well. My
interest was sparked by my wife who had experienced extreme fatigue as a
result of hormonal imbalances and stress. She, along with a number
of my patients, is now recovering better health. I use saliva testing as well as blood testing to identify abnormal hormone levels and follow recovery. The hormones that I generally test include estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol, DHEAS, and thyroid hormones. An imbalance in these hormones can lead to fatigue, hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, decreased sex drive, depression, mood swings, anxiety, irritability, irregular menstrual bleeding, fibrocystic breasts, weight gain, bone loss, and the list goes on. I teach my patients how to integrate bio-identical hormones, supplements and lifestyle changes in order to alleviate these hormonal imbalances and regain a sense of wellbeing. Bio-identical hormones are identical in structure and function to the hormones that your body produces, making them a more natural replacement for what your body is lacking. Unlike Premarin (horse estrogen made from Pregnant Mares Urine) and Provera (a progestin, which is structurally altered progesterone), bio-identical estrogen and progesterone work like your body’s own natural hormones without many of the troubling side-effects. In July 2002, the Women’s Health Initiative reported that women taking a combination of Premarin and Provera (Prempro) had an increased risk of strokes and heart attacks, breast cancer and blood clots. However, this has not been the case with bio-identical hormones. While estrogen alone may lead to these same increased risks, natural progesterone (unlike Provera) counteracts these effects of estrogen. In my practice I frequently use natural progesterone by itself or in combination with low dose estrogen; I never give estrogen by itself because of the increased risks to your health. The Women’s Health Initiative additionally reported in 2006 that Premarin alone caused the same increased health risks as Prempro. Hormone imbalance is not just a female problem; men normally have low levels of estrogen and progesterone, but may be troubled by low levels of the main male hormone, testosterone. Many men produce less testosterone as they age, leading to feelings of fatigue and/or depression, sexual dysfunction, and other troubling symptoms. Women also make small amounts of testosterone, and abnormally low levels can lead to both decreased energy and sex drive. Both men and women may find that supplementing with bio-identical testosterone can alleviate many of these symptoms. There can be too much of a good thing even with bio-identical hormones; this is why I track hormone levels with saliva and blood testing, finding the right balance of hormones for my patients. Most of these hormones can be formulated in oral capsules or in creams that are easily absorbed. As an added benefit, these formulations are much less expensive than conventional Premarin and Provera. |
Links These sites have additional health information you can explore at your leisure. http://www.womeninbalance.org/resources_and_research for excellent BHRT research www.zrtlab.com for information on the saliva testing we offer www.pccarx.com for information about compounding pharmacies www.wyomingcompounding.com for a local PCCA compounding pharmacy www.project-aware.org/Resource/articlearchives/differences.shtml for general information on BHRT www.johnleemd.com/store/main_articles.html for general information on BHRT |
Books What Your Doctor May Not Tell You about Premenopause by John Lee, MD (he has many other titles of interest as well) The Estrogen Alternative by Raquel Martin The Sexy Years by Suzanne Somers Adrenal Fatigue by James L. Wilson, ND Awakening Athena by Kenna Stephenson, MD |